Welcome !
Jan 23,08 22:11 |

Of course, this site is dedicated to the actress Laura Innes, and also to her ER character Kerry Weaver (but she did other things !).
If you have information, pictures, videos or anything else about Laura Innes that isn't in this site, don't hesitate telling me. Then it will be shared with the other fans !
Laura on 'Tavis Smiley late show' and Breast cancer
Jun 05,06 15:24 |
New event in Laura's

You know that Laura Innes takes a high part in fight against breast cancer (see May 31st news). Now, she gives her voice to the Breast Cancer Celebrity Talking Dictionary. She explains words like "antibiotics", "cortisone"... Go the breastcancer.org website to listen to her !
New wallpaper
Jun 01,06 22:23 |

A scarf against breast cancer
May 31,06 21:17 |
New event in Laura's

Laura at 'Women in Prime'
May 29,06 21:34 |
New event in Laura's